Too Good for Drugs Fourth Grade
Unit 1
Lesson 1: Goal Setting
Students learn how to set and reach personal goals. Students also learn to identify resources that can help them reach a personal goal.
Lesson 2: Decision Making
Students learn how to think through a problem and make a responsible decision.
Lesson 3: Identifying and Managing Emotions
Students learn to recognize and manage their emotions using healthy strategies.
Lesson 4: Effective Communication
Students learn how to communicate clearly, listen actively, and ask for help.
Lesson 5: Bonding and Relationships
Students learn how to make and keep healthy friendships.
Unit 2
Lesson 6: Peer Pressure Refusal
Students learn and apply peer pressure refusal strategies.
Lesson 7: Effects of Alcohol Use
Students learn the effects of alcohol on the brain and body.
Lesson 8: Effects of Tobacco Use
Students learn the short-term and long-term effects of tobacco use.
Lesson 9: Understanding the Safe Use of Medicine
Students learn to differentiate safe and unsafe use of prescription and over-the-counter medicines.
Lesson 10: Healthy Choices
Students identify how healthy choices can impact lifelong wellness and review information from the past 9 lessons.
If you have any questions about the resources on this page, you can contact our Prevention Educators here, or you can visit the Mendez Foundation’s website here.
Lesson Videos
You will need: A pencil and a notebook or a Too Good for Drugs workbook
Read this before watching Lesson 2!
At the time stamp 21:15, there is a playback error with the video's audio. When this section is reached, you may mute the audio and use the following description to complete the final exercise:
We see a girl with a broken bowl. She accidently broke her mom's favorite serving bowl! No one saw what happened. Your task is to think of two options of what you could do and then think of one positive and one negative consequence for each of these options (the video will give an example of how to do this before you get to this section). You have 1 minute and 30 seconds to write two options and 2 minutes to write positive and negative consequences for each option. Feel free to pause the video if you need more time. In the section where it says "Talk it Out" you will be shown two situations and you need to decide if you can make the decision on your own or if you need an adult to help. Discuss these two situations with an adult. Do they agree with your choice?
At Home Learning Worksheets
These worksheets are designed to support and practice skills in language arts, social studies, vocabulary, and art. There is a worksheet for each week. The worksheets do not needed to be printed. Students are able to complete the prompts on a separate sheet of paper.
Home Workouts
These worksheets are fun activities for adults and kids to complete together. There is a worksheet for each of the ten lessons. Some worksheets can be completed without printing, but some will be difficult to complete without printing.