Too Good for Drugs
Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) is a comprehensive, evidence-based substance use prevention curriculum that is designed to mitigate the risk factors and enhance protective factors related to alcohol, tobacco, and other substance use. These lessons introduce and develop skills for making healthy choices, building positive friendships, developing self-efficacy, communicating effectively, and resisting peer pressure and influence. Our prevention educators apply interactive social games, activities, and role plays to promote healthy decision making, and to teach essential character development skills. This 10-week curriculum uses positive reinforcement to strengthen knowledge and attitudes related to effective drug prevention.
Throughout the years, TGFD has reached thousands of students in schools throughout Ulster County. To inquire about bringing UPC's educators into your K-12 classrooms, contact us here. To view our virtual TGFD lessons, click here.
Too Good for Violence
Too Good for violence (TGFV) is an evidence-based social perspectives curriculum that provides students with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes they need for positive development and supportive relationships. TGFV builds protection within students by establishing healthy beliefs and clear standards, promoting healthy relationships, and increasing personal and social skills. This curriculum also mitigates risk factors associated with problem behaviors by addressing poor social skills, peer rejection, inappropriate social behaviors, and friends who engage in problem behaviors.
TGFV is a 5-week curriculum that is available to students in grades K-12 as an independent course, or in combination with Too Good for Drugs as a 15-week program. To inquire about bringing the TGFV program to your school, click here.
Teen Intervene
Teen Intervene is a program targeted at teens with mild to moderate substance use. This program focuses on coping skills, goal setting, and behavior change with the end goal of reducing substance use. Referrals to this free, confidential program can be made by guardians, teachers, counselors, medical providers, police, judges, parole officers, and friends, and may be used in place of traditional in-school or legal disciplinary action.
To make a referral, call 845-399-7734.
The Circle
The Circle is a structured after school support group for female and non-binary youth who identify with femme development. This program integrates relational theory, resiliency practices, and skills training in a format designed to increase positive connection, personal and collective strength, social knowledge, and confidence. It aims to counteract social and interpersonal forces that impede growth and development by promoting an emotionally safe setting and structure in which students can use their authentic voices. The Circle does not aim to provide advice, but encourages youth to share and grow from their experiences. In order for this support group to function with success, participants must follow circle guidelines, which include respect, open-mindedness, and privacy.
UPC offers several Circle curricula, including Mitigating Gender and Racial Bias, Who I Am (Identity), Empowerment and Identity on Social Media, Body Image, and Being a Girl. To learn more about this program, or to inquire about bringing The Circle to your school, click here.