Where it Began
Ulster Prevention Council began in 2006, under the title The Ulster Prevention Project. Directed by the Ulster County Substance Abuse Prevention (SAP) Board, the Ulster Prevention Project was supported by the U.C. Legislature and funded by NYS OASAS to rectify the results of Ulster County lacking youth-serving substance use prevention programming. Evidence-based prevention strategies and programs were not integrated into the County’s overall framework to address this problem, which was amongst the worst in the State. In 2010, after being provided with leadership by the Ulster County SAP Board and their expertise, the Ulster Prevention Project became Ulster Prevention Council.
A move to larger and more accessible facilities in 2018 has enhanced UPC’s ability to serve as a training and resource center providing a wide array of workshops, cross-training and technical assistance to schools, service providers and health professionals as well as presentations at conferences, to classes and community groups, families and youth. Most services continue to take place in the community.
Our Mission
Ulster Prevention Council works to prevent substance abuse in Ulster County youth and families. By providing evidence-based education and prevention services, we provide model prevention services throughout the community. Our most notable programming features the Menendez Foundation's Too Good for Drugs, which fosters confidence, self-efficacy, and resistance to substance abuse through goal setting and achievement, responsible decision making, positive conflict resolution, and healthy relationships. We partner with grassroots initiatives and community coalitions to address local needs, provide training and technical assistance, enhance communication, and avoid duplication of efforts.
Our community strategies include:
Recommendations to the Legislature
Resource center for substance use information
Public Awareness Campaigns
Youth media contests
Classroom presentations
Community forums and presentations
Training for Human Services agencies
Youth surveys and needs assessments
Partnerships with the recovery community
Our work addresses needs identified by the Ulster County DOH Community Health Assessment (CHA), goals of the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), the biannual Ulster County Youth Development Survey and other data. UPC uses the Strategic Prevention Framework, a public health model, to work toward significant, measurable population level change.