Family of Woodstock 24/7 Helpline
Call or text 845-679-2485 to talk, or click here to learn more about Family of Woodstock's helpline services.
An Ulster County Sheriff's Office-sponsored rapid response team. To get in contact with peer advocates, mental health professionals and rehabilitation specialists,
call 888-996-0940
Ulster County Mobile Mental Health
Operated by ACCESS: Supports for Living. Call 888-750-2266 option 2 to connect with a trained counselor when stress, depression or other mental health issues create a personal crisis for free, 24/7.
Visit 368 Broadway, Suite 205, Kingston NY for in-person care from 10am-6pm, Monday-Friday. Everybody is seen, regardless of insurance or ability to pay.
People USA
Call the 24/7 warm line for crisis respite and peer support at 845-452-2728 ext. 601
Community Outreach Teams (COTI)
For the 24/7 on-call helpline, call 845-794-0861. Other services provided by COTI include crisis/detox services (845-794-8080 ext. 2200), day rehab/outpatient programs (845-794-8080 ext. 2100), and residential programs (845-794-8080). For general contact, call 845-340-9170 ext. 3072 or 845-754-3527.
Ulster County Family Advocate
If you or someone you know is experiencing a substance use challenge, Ulster County has a Family Advocate who can help connect you to to the programs and services that are right for you. For more info, call Tonya Stokes at
(845) 458-7455.
Samadhi is a nonprofit organization grounded in the belief that mindfulness-based practices create a strong foundation for a path to freedom from addiction. It’s a place that is welcoming and staffed by compassionate people with lived experience. For general information, call 845-853-8148.
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities has Peer Advocates, and a full-service treatment and recovery center, that can help you begin your healing, whenever you are ready.
Call 845-467-0861 for more information.
Ellenville Regional Hospital
Call 845-647-6400 ext. 211 or 318 for information on 24/7 access to Buprenorphine (Suboxone) for those in active opiate withdrawal, or for information on harm reduction services. For a confidential, non-emergency text line, text ERHRescue to 21000.
Health Alliance of the Hudson Valley
For outpatient substance use treatment services (including group counseling, psychiatry, special needs services, and harm reduction services), call Bridge Back at 845-943-6091. For the Opioid Treatment Program with Methadone treatment, call 845-943-6022.
Step One
For outpatient substance use treatment services, contact Step One's Ellenville location at 845-647-5400, Highland location at 845-691-9191, or Kingston location at 845-834-7300.
Samaritan Daytop Village
For information on long-term six to nine-month residential inpatient services, contact admissions at 718-657-6195 or 845-647-6575.
Hudson Valley Community Services
For a variety of harm reduction services based out of Kingston, NY, call 845-360-9749.